
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Teaching Hatha Yoga - Physical Benefits of Yoga Practice

... importance to our survival. We can send toxins on their way by keeping the body in motion, and we do not need high impact movement to perform this task. Prevention of disease, and early detection of disease, are benefits of an internal awareness, which comes with Yoga practice.

On the skeletal level, we want to keep our joints intact for as long as possible. The ligaments and tendons are precious, so we work to keep them in good working condition, as well. On top of this, spinal alignment, during posture practice, helps with mobility, when we become seniors.

How many other exercise systems work so completely? This does not take away the value of cross training. By all means, walk, swim, and play your favorite games; but in comparison, Yoga, on the physical level, is the "Great Healer" of all forms of exercise.

Copyright 2008 - paul Jerard / Aura Publicationsmore

How Yoga Helped Me Navigate Choppy Waters

... foot Schooner. Each day of the voyage I contemplated my position in the scheme of lifePeeling away at my personal layers of protection; I entered a place where fear and the unknown hold hands. It was a scary time. As the height of the waves increased and the speed of the wind mounted, my mind began to let go. I realized that my contribution to the globe was not as significant as my contribution to the three other members of the crew on the sailboat. Being present, being alert and aware of the moment to moment traverse across the body of water that seemed endless, was my focus. Taking care of the direction of my thoughts and my energy helped my crew and helped me to find a peaceful presence. There is a wonderful sense of freedom in the middle of the ocean. It is that exhilarating feeling of anything can happen here sense that draws the soul. Knowing how to ride the wave of anticipation and fear; adventure and the unknown take their place in your heart center and fill you up. What a sense of accomplishment when you finally reach land! There is just no feeling that can measure up to that first leap from the boat to the dock!

And once I hit the dock, I began to teach yoga on the beaches of the british Virgin Islands. With the crew members of over 50 yac...more

Major Health Benefits of Yoga exercise your strength. As a side benefit, yoga will also improve your posture, which in turn decreases muscle aches and strains.

Yoga will also improve your general health. By twisting and turning, you will massage your internal organs, which helps them release toxins. This will improve your general health, and will help you ward off other illnesses such as colds and the flu.

Yoga exercise will help anyone improve their health, regardless of what level of physical fitness you currently are at. By utilizing yoga, you can improve your flexibility, relive stress, increase your strength and improve your general health. Yes, yoga really is good for your health in many ways.more

discover How Yoga Will Help You Reach Your Goals - Part 2

... degrees Fahrenheit, and others are tranquil at around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, all year long.

So there is a style of Yoga for every person, and you should be aware of what you are getting into before you start. You should also be aware that the doors are not locked, and if 105 degrees is too much heat, it is your call.

This past summer, in Arizona, a number of people died, due to excessive heat. If your body temperature reaches 105 degrees, you could possibly have heat stroke. What is your natural climate like? please know your temperature tolerance and know that people are different.

The Yoga postu...more

Yoga Pilates Cles In Toronto